Latest news

Clear Pass

4 months 1 week ago

Well done to our latest inductees to the the ClearPass Hall of Fame
Congratulations and safe driving

Clear Pass

6 months 3 days ago

Congratulations Annie

Clear Pass

6 months 3 days ago

Congratulations Charlie

Clear Pass

6 months 3 days ago

Congratulations Mason

Clear Pass

6 months 3 days ago

Congratulations Lucy

Clear Pass

6 months 3 days ago

Congratulations Aimee Hope

Clear Pass

6 months 3 days ago

Congratulations Joe Bishop

Clear Pass

6 months 3 days ago

Congratulations Lucy Simpson

Clear Pass

1 year 5 months ago

Congratulations to our latest students that have passed their practical driving tests

Clear Pass

2 years 1 month ago

Just to catch up on 12 congratulations for passing their practical driving test Ollie Kym Max Ayusha Kallum Georgina Claire Alfie Ria Zach Rayyan Cameron